Otro persona que hace poco descubrí y soy incondicional fan, es MISS BALANTA www.missbalanta.wordpress.com, chica divina afro y que le encanta la moda, por casualidades de la vida ahora vive en mi Hermoso país PANAMÁ, el cual ella en cada post que hace le pone un toque de color e inspiración a lo que yo me identifico en este mundo.
Another person who recently discovered and am unconditional fan, is MISS BALANTA www.missbalanta.wordpress.com , afro and divine girl who loves fashion, by coincidences of life now living in my beautiful country PANAMA, which she in each post makes puts a touch of color and inspiration to what I identify in this world.
Another person who recently discovered and am unconditional fan, is MISS BALANTA www.missbalanta.wordpress.com , afro and divine girl who loves fashion, by coincidences of life now living in my beautiful country PANAMA, which she in each post makes puts a touch of color and inspiration to what I identify in this world.
Me encanta hablar o inspirarme de personas diferentes porque es esto lo que hace que tu día sea diferente y que en dos partes totalmente diferentes del mundo podemos encontrar inspiraciones grandiosas.
I love talking to people or inspire different because this is what makes your day different and that in two totally different parts of the world can find great inspirations.